"I want a Boston!"

Have you seen the puppies and wanted to take one home? Are you seriously thinking about adding a new member to your family? Then we recommend you read the following chapters carefully:

 Why Boston Terrier?

Boston Terrier carries the temperament, combat spirit and hunting instincts of the old terriers, but above all it is a social dog. Thanks to its versatility, it has gained wide popularity across generations of dog owners. It is most popular among families with kids, but also among couples regardless of age. What are the reasons that lead owners to get a Boston?

Tremendous companion

BTs have adoration for people in their nature, and thanks to their character and physical constitution, they can adapt perfectly to the lifestyle of their owners. They also get along well with other animals in the household. More HERE.

Cuddly pet

Are you looking for an extremely contact and affectionate dog who loves to cuddle? Then you've come to the right address!

Agile athlete

Small dog, that "fits anywhere", loves sports and exercise, isn't hyperactive, but will keep your pace? That's Boston Terrier!

Entertaining comedian

Whether it's their goofy personality, playfulness, positive energy or funny grimaces, you won't get bored with a Boston in your home!

Dog with a big heart

Despite their smaller build, BTs cannot be denied the size of their heart. This dog will love you to the fullest and show it every day.

Before getting a Boston, you should also find out about the breed's weaknesses and prepare for them! More information in our article.

...and why from us?


The health of breeding dogs and puppies is our top priority. That is why we select only athletic, well-built dogs whose bloodline we know well. We have the dogs examined with numerous health tests. We monitor the health condition of our offspring and related dogs. Our puppies go with health warranties.

Intensive socialization

What the puppies get in the first weeks with the breeder impacts them for the rest of their lives! So while most breeders are only concerned with feeding and maybe cuddling, we are intensively introducing our puppies to everything that awaits them in the big world. When they go to their new families, they are calm, fearless, used to people, sounds, car rides and being alone, something which their owners absolutely appreciate.

Ethical breeding

Our breeding programme is ethical and transparent. We give our dogs the care that a family member deserves, treating them with love, providing plenty of exercise, training and a quality BARF diet. We don't abuse our females by continuous litter production, we don't hide who has the litter and where the puppies are growing up. With us you always know the puppies' parents.

Staying in touch

We encourage intensive communication between breeders and future owners. You will know your future puppy's character, upbringing, strengths and weaknesses well before you get it. The contact doesn't end with the rehoming, we maintain friendly relations with the owners, getting informed about the puppy's development and provide lifelong advice in all areas of the dog's life.


We know what we're doing. We've been in the pet breeding for >25 years, over 20 of those years between bostons. Furthermore, we are still learning on both practical and theoretical levels. 

Longer noses

We do not believe in the modern trend of shortening the snout, which goes towards brachycephalic syndrome. Our dogs have longer noses and do not gag or pant. This allows them to keep up with our active lifestyle

The look

Although appearance is very subjective, we frequently hear that our dogs "got the look". We'll let you make your own opinion :) 

Our above-standard care and the quality of our breeding is also reflected in the puppies' price. If you want to save money on a new member of your family, we're not the right place for you.


Content families and happy dogs are our priority. What do their owners say about our puppies and how did they adapt in their new homes? Reviews are shortened and/or translated. You can find them in full length  here.

Yvona J., owner of Lilly, northern Bohemia

"It's been two years since our Boston girl Lilly came into our lives. We were very lucky to meet wonderful young breeders Saskia and Pavel, who do their work with dogs with love. We are in constant contact and share our experiences with the dogs. Puppies from these breeders are socialized, sweet and playful. We are very happy to have our girl from them."

Jen M.-H., owner of Lilayi, Coatesville, PA, USA

"We have the most beautiful Boston female from Pavel and Saskia. Our girl, Lilayi, traveled safely to the USA. She is very smart, energetic, and well oriented. She lives with mostly large dogs and she fits right into our family! She absolutely loves to cuddle, to take walks and ride in the car. Saskia and Pavel definitely put a lot of time and love into their litter. Lilayi absolutely makes us so happy. She is extremely agile and is geared to start agility classes later this year with her human mommy. Thank you to both for trusting us with this beauty Queen."

Tomáš & Barbora, owners of Dixine, Nitra, Slovakia

"We'll put it to you this way: If you're reading this and thinking about buying Boston, you've come to the right place. We have been be impressed with the approach of breeders, they will be willing to guide you through your dog's life and give you advice that is worth more than gold.  DIXINE is wonderful. After the breeders described her character, we didn't have to think too much. She fit into our life perfectly and we couldn't be happier. We absolutely and unequivocally RECOMMEND this kennel. Thank you 1000 times for your approach, professionalism and kindness. Your Dixie has changed our lives."

Peter P., owner of Hugo Theo, Diósd, Hungary

"We brought Hugo in June 2023, after a long wait. He is a wonderful kid, docile, smart, with an excellent nervous system. Saskia and Pavel did an excellent job to our satisfaction. Thank you!"

Petra A., owner of Daemon-Taj, Prague, Czechia
"The first look at the photos of the puppies grabbed us by the heart and did not let go, and after reading the information about the kennel, our desire to take a dog that charmed us from the first moment with its uniqueness was strengthened. After a video call we were sure we were doing the right thing. Throughout our wait for the puppy, we received pictures and information about how he was doing and what progress he was making. We also received advice that we are still benefiting from. The breeders' interest in the dogs continues after the rehoming, they rejoice at every progress the furry pooch makes and don't hesitate to get involved if there is a problem. Mr. and Mrs. Beneš are a role model for all breeders. We received a 3 month old puppy who is healthy, wonderfully socialized, calm, balanced, used to loud noises, music, car rides and extremely teachable and affectionate. Thank you for allowing our family to shine with happiness again. If you are thinking of getting a Boston, this kennel is definitely the right choice."
Bianca & Roberto C., owners of Dexter, Vienna, Austria
„Since we couldn't find suitable Boston Terrier in Austria, we searched in neighboring countries. And as chance or luck would have it, we met Saskia and Pavel. A video call convinced us to bring a puppy from them. Thommunication between Saskia and Pavel and us was and is very intensive. Since the beginning we received over 100 photos/videos, were well-informed and thus able to follow Dexter's development in the first few weeks. Everything Saskia and Pavel promised us was 100 % fulfilled. We are overjoyed to have Dexter in our family. You can just tell that the breeders invested a lot of time and the puppies had a great time there.
We would like to mention one very important point: Saskia and Pavel pay great attention to ensuring that the nose is a little longer when breeding. The big advantage is that the dogs can breathe much better. Dexter never snores or pants because he can breathe very well. If you are looking for a healthy, socialized and loving Boston Terrier, then Saskia and Pavel and their kennel are absolute number 1 for us. We thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.“

Jana P., owner of Citra, Kolín, Czechia

"Since we had almost no experience, Pavel & Saskia explained everything to us in detail, months in advance. After the birth they regularly informed us about the puppies' growth and progress, sent us photos and videos. But what I consider the most valuable is the care they gave to the puppies. They took them for walks, drove them in the car, spent days with them outside their home, kept them in a pack, but also prepared them for separation. Citra had basic hygiene habits and was used to all kinds of stimuli, which is really important for us, a family with four children. Thanks to the efforts of the breeders we have a great and balanced puppy, who is a joy to spend time with and to push him further in his training.
But the work of these breeders does not end with the care of the puppies, they are interested in Citra even now and are always willing to help and advise. If you have chosen a Boston Terrier as your companion, I definitely recommend this kennel."

Tereza & Jiří, owners of Boris, Znojmo, Czechia

"We are delighted to have met Saskia and Pavel. From the first message until today we are still in contact. We share advice, videos and photos of our Boris with each other. If we have any problems with care or upbringing we have someone to turn to. It happens with many breeders that the moment they hand the dog over, they lose interest in it, and devote themselves to new puppies. But this cannot be said about the breeders of our Boris. We are very happy that they are still interested in him.
We were very surprised how well Boris was used to car rides. He spent almost 4 hours in the crate on the way home and didn't have the slightest problem with it. Also the first night with us went without any problems. Boris was not afraid of any common noises and that is a big plus for us."

Regina a Radek S., owners of Benjamin, Mělník, Czechia

"Our Benji is a sweetheart, kind, loving, playful, submissive and funny companion and friend. We know his mother Keshu and her owners Sisa and Pavel well and are in regular contact. We occasionally ask them for advice on food, vet visits and discuss Ben's upbringing and progress. We have known Keshu since she was a baby and have followed her mommy career both in personal visits and from the Facebook. I highly recommend the kennel of Bajer-Beneš, despite their youth they are experienced professionals in the field of work with dogs."

Adéla N. dog mum, Czechia

„I had the opportunity to assist Pavel and Saskia with the puppies from litter D for a few weeks. We could observe the daily care and work with the puppies. It was incredible to watch their development, and how many things the puppies can already learn from their breeders. Although Bostons are not really my cup of tea (I am an owner of three crossbreeds - rescues), the visit of our friends in Spain convinced me that the Bostons are friendly and incredibly cheerful creatures, ideal companions for families and, with the right treatment, great partners for trips and sports.

There are people in the world who can make a business out of a living creature and sometimes even worse (each of my dogs is marked by something done to them by humans in puppyhood). And then there are people who put all their time and heart into dog care, and the added value is immeasurable on the dog. And exactly such people are Pavel and Saskia. If you really want to go in the right direction, don't hesitate to go with them.“

Q&A - the most frequent questions

There's no such thing as a stupid question! If you have any doubts or questions on your mind, you may find your answer below. If not, feel free to contact us :) 

Do your puppies come with papers? Where is your kennel registered?

Yes, all of our puppies are purebred and have "papers" - certified pedigree. We breed under the international US-based organization UABR.

What is the difference between "colored" and black and white bostons?

Basically only in coat colour. Colored Bostons are not more susceptible to disease, nor are they crossbreeds. The topic is controversial because of the politics of some canine organizations, we wrote more HERE.

Are girls more peaceful than boys?

Aside from the obvious physical differences, it cannot be said that either sex carries specific habits or character traits (playfulness, cuddliness, aggressiveness, intelligence, laziness...) Much more important in this regard is the puppy's individual personality :)

Is the reservation or purchase under contract?

Yes, both the reservation and the purchase of the puppy are confirmed by contracts: contract of reservation and contract of sale.

What do I have to fulfil to become an owner?

Our main requirement from the new owners is that they will take proper care of the puppy and make it happy. We also insist on maintaining contact with the new owner after the handover. Read more HERE.

Can I see the puppies in person?

Of course! All serious candidates are welcome to visit us in person. However, we also offer contact by video call, ideally before reservation.

Can I get a puppy without going to Spain?

Yes. In addition to handing over at our home, we also offer handing over in Central Bohemia. Furthermore, we are able to arrange legal, professional animal transport to other destinations as well.

Do you sell for breeding?

With rare exceptions (people we know personally or who are experienced breeders) we do not sell for breeding. Owning a dog is a big responsibility, however, breeding is an even bigger one.

How does the reservation work? What is the price for a puppy?

Contact us personally for more information on the reservation process, puppy selection and pricing.

Contact us!

Do you want to reserve a puppy from the next litters? Would you like to take part in our next puppy yoga class? Are you interested in learning more about the breed and our dogs? Feel free to contact us!
Email: dogsofbajerbenes@gmail.com

Whatsapp/SMS: +48 798 142 807

FB: Colored Boston Terriers of Bajer-Beneš

Ig: @coloredbostonterrier_cz

Applicants wanting a puppy: We choose new owners carefully. If we shall choose you, tell us something about yourself and your motivation!

03293 Partida Daimes, Elche, Alicante, Spain

+48 798142807


Our footprint:
  • 24 puppies of Bajer-Beneš

  • 24 happy families

  • in 7 countries of the world on 3 continents